2014年9月-2019年6月 山东大学 工学博士
2019年8月-至今 开运电竞 讲师
1. Zhendong Xie, Yanjin Guan, Lihua Zhu, Jiqiang Zhai, Jun Lin. Investigations on the surface effect of ultrasonic vibration-assisted 6063 aluminum alloy ring upsetting. IJAMT. 96: 4407-4421, 2018.
2. Zhendong Xie, Yanjin Guan, Jun Lin, Jiqiang Zhai, Lihua Zhu. Constitutive model of 6063 aluminum alloy under the ultrasonic vibration upsetting based on Johnson-Cook Model. Ultrasonics. 96: 1-9, 2019.
3. Zhendong Xie, Yanjin Guan, Xiaohui Yu, Lihua Zhu, Jun Lin. Effects of ultrasonic vibration on performance and microstructure of AZ31 magnesium alloy under tensile deformation. Journal of Central South University. 25(7): 1545-1559, 2018.
4. Zhendong Xie, Yanjin Guan, Lihua Zhu, Chongkai Zhong. Study on ultrasonic vibration assisted upsetting of 6063 aluminum alloy. Procedia Engineering. 207: 490-495, 2017.
5.解振东, 管延锦, 朱立华, 姜良斌, 仲崇凯. 基于ANSYS- Workbench的超声振动系统设计与优化. 锻压技术, 2015, 11(40): 52-57.
6.解振东, 翟继强, 朱立华, 管延锦. 高径比对超声振动镦粗过程影响的研究. 第十五届全国塑性工程学会年会, 济南, 2017.05: 303-307.