2010年9月-2013年9月 同济大学 工学博士
2014年9月-2015年6月 开运电竞 讲师
2017年5月-2018年5月 多伦多大学 访问学者
2015年7月-至今 开运电竞 副教授
1. 币基金属掺杂Ti-O纳米团簇光降解印染废水污染物的研究,国家重点实验室开放基金(2019.05-2021.05),主持
2. 聚合物基多核稀土复合功能材料的颜色调控和白光发射性能研究,山东省自然科学基金(2015.01-2016.12),主持
3. 新型白光复合材料的制备和荧光性能研究,开运电竞科研启动基金(2014.12-2017.12),主持
1. K. Sheng,# L.M. Fan,# X.F. Tian, R.K. Gupta,* L. Gao, C. H. Tung, D. Sun,* Temperature-induced Sn(II) supramolecular isomeric frameworks as promising heterogeneous catalysts for cyanosilylation of aldehydes, Sci. China Chem., 63 (2020) 182-186.
2. X. F. Tian, B. Q. Ji, L. Feng, K. Sheng,* Y. M. Su, M. Jagoodič,* Z. Jagličić, Chen-Ho Tung, Di Sun,* Self-assembly of a nonanuclar NiII cluster via atmospheric CO2 fixation: synthesis, structure, collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry and magnetic property, Dalton. Trans., 49, (2020) 10977-10982.
3. K. Sheng, X. F. Tian, M. Jagodič,* Z. Jagličić, N. Zhang,* Q.Y. Liu, C. H. Tung, D. Sun,* Synthesis, structure and magnetism of a novel CuII4TiIV5 heterometallic cluster, Chin. Chem. Lett., 31, (2020), 809-812.
4. Y. Yuan,# K. Sheng,# S. Zeng, X. Han,* L. Sun, I. Loncaric,* W. Zhan, D. Sun,* Engineering Cu/TiO2@N-Doped C interfaces derived from an atom-precise heterometallic CuII4TiIV5 cluster for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Inorg. Chem., 59, (2020) 5456-5462.
5. K. Sheng,# B. Q. Ji,# L. Feng, Y. M. Su, M. Jagodič,* Z. Jagličić and D. Sun,* A rod-like hexanuclear nickel cluster based on a bi(pyrazolyl-alcohol) ligand: structure, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, magnetism and photocurrent response. New J. Chem., 44, (2020) 7152-7157.
6. K. Sheng, H. F. Lu,* A. B. Sun, Y. M. Wang,* Y. T. Liu, F. Chen, W. C. Bian, Y. Li, R. Kuang, D. Sun,* A naked-eye colorimetric sensor for chloroform, Chin. Chem. Lett., 30 (2019) 895-898.
7. Q. Liang#, K. Sheng#, A. Salmon, V. Zhou, D. Song*, Active Iron(II) catalysts toward gem-specific dimerization of terminal alkynes, ACS Catal., 9, (2019), 810-818.